Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fitness Update: Diet Excess Causes Weight Gain

[This article was first published as Meow the Fat Cat Fares Better on Diet on Technorati. Sadly, Meow died after this was written from respiratory complications due to his weight. I was not going to re-post, but since I haven't given a fitness update in two weeks, I thought I would go ahead and run it.]

It's a bit sad when a cat does better on his diet than I do.
Meow the Fat Cat from Santa Fe, New Mexico, has dropped about two pounds since he was dropped off at the Santa Fe animal shelter a few weeks ago where he weighed in at nearly 40 pounds.
Not only that, but he's become somewhat of a celebrity in the last two week traveling to the Big Apple for  guest appearances on the Anderson Cooper show and an appearance on the Today Show where he even met Hugh Grant.
Hmmmm, let's see how my last two weeks have gone–I traveled to Austin, Texas, with a group of high school students for a journalism convention, managed to completely blow my diet by eating Amy's ice cream, some rather excellent salt water taffy from an old timey candy store and topped all that off by some very tasty kolaches from the little Czech Bakery in West, Texas.
As you can see, no weight loss there. Instead, let's post a disappointing one pound weight gain.
I sort of feel like the character Dominick in the Dom DeLuise movie, Fatso when the Chubby Checkers arrive for a food intervention. Called to stop Dominick from blowing his diet, the Chubby Checkers and Dominick manage to go from drinking hot water to hot water with just a touch of honey to a full-fledged, five-alarm food binge.
I think I'm still trying to get all the sugar out of my system.
Perhaps I don't need to be too overly concerned. A recent New York Times article notes that sugar "is enjoying a second act, dressed up as a natural, healthful ingredient" since high-fructose corn syrup is now the new "devil."
OK… so  I figured that was a bit of good news until I finished reading the story that noted that experts found sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are equally bad in excess.
Somehow I think those experts would view the ice cream, taffy and kolaches as excess.
And, I suppose, they would be right since I have that extra pound back to prove them right. Maybe I need to check in to the shelter.

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